You Know Your Way Home Review

Title: You Know Your Way Home
By: Suzanne Jauchius
Published By: Bree Noa Publishing Company
ISBN 978-0-9840892-0-8
List Price: U.S. /CAN 15.00

Reviewed By: Cheryl Campbell

You Know Your Way Home is an intriguing, thought provoking book written very honestly, I feel, by author Suzanne Jauchius.

It is a true account of Suzanne’s psychic abilities, and all the problems which came with that discovery as she struggled with life, in many areas, including her non-acceptance, even by some members of her own family.

The darkness which surrounded the author from childhood was very apparent throughout, thanks to her very descriptive, heartfelt writing, and due to this the reader could feel her every emotion.
Suzanne explains in graphic detail all the many fearsome stages of her life spent with men who put herself and her children in mortal danger, and the way in which she dealt with her fears, until finally realization hit home that she could no longer place herself, and now her beloved children in danger any longer.

In looking for still waters in the tsunami of her life Suzanne turns to various self-help groups and gets herself into therapy. Being told she’s addicted to men comes as a great shock, until her therapist points out the connection between her addiction and the fact that she’s been married five times!

Through all the hard work of much soul searching, mediation and self-despair Suzanne finally begins to believe and understand that clearing her past stuck position is the only chance she has of moving forward.

Somewhere in all her troubles she lost sight of her spirituality, but Spirit connected, and continued to connect her with those who would be of a positive influence, and of help and guidance to her, including her therapist, an Angel in disguise I am sure, who invented the term, You Know Your Way Home.

Suzanne travelled via many roads and amongst many homes, both mentally and physically, including various heritages trails, before she found her own place in peace and love again, and her acceptance in society.

Spirit continued to make connections for her to benefit and develop within, until the time finally came when she made her recovery and achieved self-fulfilment.

Suzanne Jauchius continues her physic work, remembering how finding missing persons and helping families was practically the only form of keeping herself and her sanity together when all else was at its lowest ebb.

Suzanne Jauchis found her way home, and I am so pleased that her book found its way to my home!

(C) Cheryl Campbell

Published on August 6, 2017 at 11:12 am  Comments Off on You Know Your Way Home Review